VIT University Vellore Institute of Technology

1 - Institute Name address and Web address:

VIT (Vellore institute of technology)

General Mailing Address Chennai Administrative Office

VIT University VIT University

Vellore - 632 014 New No.6 (Old No.W-73),

Tamilnadu, India Second Street,

Tel: 91-416-2243091 / 93 Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600040

Fax: 91-416-2243092 Tamil Nadu, India

91-416-2240411 Tel : 91-44-42016555


Fax : 91-44-26222555

Admissions Department

Admissions Officer

VIT University

Vellore - 632014

Tamil Nadu, India

Tel: 91-416-220 2125,

220 2157, 220 2168

Fax: 91-416-224 5544

91-416-224 0411

Web address

2. Year of estabilishment: 1984(As a self finance institute)

: 2001(University status by Govt. of India)

3. Branch offered:


Bio-Medical Engineering


Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Information Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Energy Engineering

4. Mode of admission: VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Examination)

5 - Institute Infra Structure:

Conference rooms, computing centers, Laboratories, Guest house & quarters, Library

6. Faculty: Institute is having very good faculty including Professors, readers, lecturers,

etc. VIT is also having faculty exchange program from other institute and universities.

7 - Institute Facilities

Sports & gym, Hostels, Swimming pool, Transport, Health services, Banks & ATM etc.

8- Placements: several national and MNC are visiting campus regularly. We can have a

look on the following graph. For more information you can visit the following link.

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